The awards continue to pile in for Kaua‘i Police Activities League wrestlers, with the state championships coming up tomorrow on Maui. The bout between Jacob Jimenez (west) and Brendan McNicholas (central) took home the award for most outstanding match. Eastside’s
The awards continue to pile in for Kaua‘i Police Activities League wrestlers, with the state championships coming up tomorrow on Maui.
The bout between Jacob Jimenez (west) and Brendan McNicholas (central) took home the award for most outstanding match.
Eastside’s Thomas Yam was named the most outstanding wrestler of the tournament in the elementary division.
Westside’s Aaron Sears took home the same award, but for the middle school division.
Eastside’s Ikaika Ki‘ilau was tabbed as the most outstanding for the high school division.
Shain Davis earned the most valuable or inspirational wrestler for Eastside. Kyle Gusman grabbed the same award for central and Archilles Singsong nabbed the westside’s honor. Eastside won the team championship award.
Championship results can be found in the scoreboard on page B2.
The 2006 K-PAL Kaua‘i team heading to states includes La‘akea Iseri-Carvalho, Thomas Yam, Christopher Yam, Keenan Kaya, Kustom Wise, Noah Thompson, Shain Davis, Kristen Yam, Kalia Kaui, Richard Kaui, Jake Ozaki, Trevor Bonilla, Korey Kaneholani, Ross Ozaki, Mershelle Rivera, Matthew Jimenez, Ekolu Yam, Ikaika Kiilau, Adam Gusman, Archilles Singsong, Jacob Jimenez, Gage Gusman, and Ross Rentrop.
For more information on K-PAL wrestling contact Mark Ozaki at
Westside Wrestling to host Olympic champion
Westside Wrestling club is hosting an all-day clinic on Friday, June 9 (10 a.m. to 5 p.m.) taught by Brandon Slay, a 2000 U.S. Olympic Freestyle Wrestling Champion.
Also, the club will be hosting its second annual USAW sanctioned tournament on Saturday, June 10. Both events will be at the Waimea High School Gym.
Wrestlers are required to have a 2006 USA Wrestling card to attend the clinic and tournament.
USAW cards may be purchased at the clinic or tournament or purchased on line at Wrestlers under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian sign the waiver on the USAW card application.
The clinic and tournament is for wrestlers and coaches of all ages and both genders.
The tournament will be International Freestyle rules, with pairings based on age and weight class. Weigh-ins begin at 8 a.m., with competition starting at 10 a.m.
For more information, contact coach Mac at 639-8858 or