• Speed kills; it has to stop nowSpeed now • Enough already • Flush times • Tired of these letters • 1,2,3 gone Speed kills; it has to stop nowSpeed now Today, I kissed my husband goodbye as I do
• Speed kills; it has to stop nowSpeed now
• Enough already
• Flush times
• Tired of these letters
• 1,2,3 gone
Speed kills; it has to stop nowSpeed now
Today, I kissed my husband goodbye as I do every day, strapped myself in and prepared to leave for work. I prayed that I would see him again tonight and would arrive home safely. Am I off to war, do I have a dangerous job? NO! Today as every day, I must travel the highway to Lihu’e for work.
And today as every day, the speeders and idiots are out in full force. These people have no regard for human life, and no respect for the law.
They are not going 5 to 10 miles over the speed limit, I am talking going 70 to 80 miles per hour. Passing while not safe, almost forcing people into the ditches to avoid head-on collisions, tailgating, speeding through residental areas and school zones. Where the heck are they going in such a hurry? This is an island for crying out loud. It is inevitable that we all end up at the same light at the same time. So what has their recklessness saved them? 10 seconds of their precious time? Drive Aloha, what a joke!
And where is KPD? I see them on the road every day, they are seeing the speeders and ignoring them. As these speeders are blowing by me the cops are doing nothing! As a tax payer, and a resident I would like to see a record of the amount of speeding tickets actually issued by KPD. I have NEVER seen them pull anyone over for speeding, not once. How many more families have to be destroyed, how many more lives lost before the laissez faire attitude of the the KPD as well as our drivers change? I for one am sick and tired of being fearful for my life and the lives of my family and friends everytime we have to venture onto the roads.
I realize that KPD has a big job, but this is also part of their job, it is their responsibility to see that we are safe on the roads and to enforce the laws. It is not my job, my job is to be a responsible driver, and to obey the laws of the road. Speed kills. Want proof, just pick up the paper and read the front page. It is so sad, and it has to stop, now.
Enough already
Boy, oh, boy, will this never end? It seems the bulk of the letters seen in the TGI still has to do with the Intelligent design vs. Evolution debate. I wonder if the letter writers have a hidden agenda? Maybe like trying to impress readers with their immense knowledge of big words and complex theories. How many people out there really knows what a genome is anyway or even cares?!!
Enough already! There will be no clear victors in this issue (anytime soon).
Is it only me that does not want to read about this for the next 2 years? Keep your beliefs/theories and be happy knowing that this is a free nation and you can believe whatever you want and that others have the right to not want to hear about it every day.
Oh, by the way, on that alien thing? It was supposed to be funny. If you can’t find humor in that, oh well…
Flush times
My, oh my! We live in flush times!
In days gone by, a truckload of planking and one of asphalt patching material would have coaxed another decade of utility out of the Olohena Bridge. Credit goes to our skillful political leaders for getting the federal money to rebuild the bridge in style. Talented engineers worked long hours to come up with a design of sufficient complexity to warrant the $4.2-million price tag. The money was well spent.
What does bother me however, is that our Mayor saw fit to give a $250,000 bonus to the “principals” of Unlimited Construction for finishing a couple of weeks early. I had no idea our elected officials were capable of such discretionary largesse. Wow! Good job, boys — go buy yourself another boat.
Almost the next day, I read in The Garden Island”that 12-percent of Kauaians live below the poverty line. That’s one person in eight or more than one family in three. The Kauai Food Bank has a modest Holiday Food and Fund Drive goal of $20,000. That’s less than 1/10th of what the Mayor gave as a bonus for finishing a minor project a couple of weeks early.
Shame on all of us for allowing people to go hungry in such flush times.
Tired of these letters
1. Why do you keep publishing the “Dr. Saker” stuff? He’s a dentist. What does he know about God except for his personal faith? I DON’T CARE!! Please STOP this stuff!!!
2. Please stop with the “bike path” letters. The county will do it or they won’t. You publishing letters has no effect.
3. In other words, your “Leters to the Editor” are useless so QUIT bomabarding us with them please.
1,2,3 gone
Once upon a time, a newspaper reporter asked for the executive session minutes from the KIUC sale. A deputy county attorney felt threatened, took out a piece of paper with a county letterhead and had the reporter’s employment terminated. Despite of this interesting move the lawsuit to disclose is still coming up in the 5th circuit court.
Now another reporter from another newspaper reported some critical issues about KIUC. Today I learned he resigned under questionable circumstances.
On Nov. 1, 2005 The Garden Island newspaper suggesting ‘Time to move forward’, is this a real quote from the CFO and TGI Publisher conversation?
As much as I’d like to move on. Questions remain unanswered.
Why do we call ‘those leaders’ who use crooked methods sometimes elected officials and not that what they really are? And the secondary question to the misleaders: Why do you fear open records and sunshine? You have nothing to hide, have you?
A message to all those leaders and misleaders: I have five fingers on my hand and on the count of three I’m willing to show you that extension of my palm that I think you deserve and just for clarification it won’t be thumbs up.
It’s a shame
It seems to me, the adversarial relationship between The Garden Island newspaper and KIUC was not the fault of Andy Gross but the fault of the KIUC Board.
Not responding to questions at the last board meeting, not responding to questions from the newspaper, and refusal to release certain financial documents created a cloud of suspicion that will not go away until changes are made at KIUC. The fact that The Garden Island printed an apology is a shame only casts further suspicion on the KIUC Board members and their apparent far-reaching power.