KUKUI GROVE – The American Legion posts on Kaua‘i celebrated Armed Forces Day along with the rest of the nation, Saturday, using the occasion to demonstrate its support for all the branches of the Armed Forces, here with a Blue
KUKUI GROVE – The American Legion posts on Kaua‘i celebrated Armed Forces Day along with the rest of the nation, Saturday, using the occasion to demonstrate its support for all the branches of the Armed Forces, here with a Blue Star Salute at Kukui Grove Shopping Center.
Manny Corregedore, the American Legion District VI Vice Commander, explained the history of the Blue Star Salute.
The Blue Star Service Banner was designed in 1917 during World War I, and it quickly became the unofficial symbol of a child, or other family member, in service.
This tradition continued in World War II.
If a loved one died while in service, the Blue Star turned to Gold.
But, Blue Star Service Banners appeared to fade away with the Korean War.
Following Sept. 11, 2001, the American Legion decided to rekindle the spirit of pride in honoring the men and women who serve in the Armed Forces, the National Guard, and Reserve, and on Armed Forces Day, nationally declared as the third Saturday in May, Blue Star Salutes have been taking place in locations across the country.
Kaua‘i Fire Chief Robert Westerman, representing Kaua‘i Mayor Bryan Baptiste at the Saturday services, accepted a Blue Star flag from Corregedore to symbolize Kaua‘i’s sons and daughters that are currently serving in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere.
Corregedore suggested that in light of the fact that the fire chief was representing the mayor, a suggestion would be to have the flag flown at two week intervals at each one of the fire stations as well as at the county building so people will know that Kaua‘i supports its troops away from home.
A smaller banner was also presented to Clem Quel of the Army National Guard’s Family Readiness Support Group so it could be displayed at all of their gatherings.
Corregedore, a 22-year veteran of military service, said he knows how important support can be to a service person.
“We understand how important it is for a Soldier to know that the folks back home are behind you 110 percent, no matter what,” he said.
The Blue Star Salute is designed to let members of the armed forces, their families, and businesses who go above and beyond in supporting their citizen-soldiers,” said Joseph H. March, the director of public relations at the American Legion national headquarters.
Following the presentation of colors by the Kapa‘a High School J.R.O.T.C. color guard and a special drill by the cadets, Corregedore and Alfred Micallef presented Blue Star Commendations to representatives of the military on Kaua‘i including the U.S. Army National Guard, its Family members of Army National Guard Service Men and Women.
The U.S. Air Force National Guard , the U.S. Navy, Pacific Missile Range Facility, the U.S. Marines Hawai‘i, and the U.S. Coast Guard were also honored and awarded commendations.
Additionally, special commendations for their support of the military were presented to Nalani Brun who performed for no less than three military support functions on Saturday.
Louis Jacinto, who familiar acappella renditions of patriotic numbers grace almost all military functions was also a commendation recipient as was the Kapa‘a High School J.R.O.T.C. program represented by CSM McGuire, and the Kaua‘i Veterans Color Guard/Honor Guard.
In addition to the protocol of honoring Kaua‘i’s Armed Forces, special displays by the U.S. Air Force National Guard, the U.S. Army National Guard and its Family Support Group, and special individual displays of military equipment whetted people’s appetites during the special noontime event.
Kaua‘i’s American Legion Commanders include Billy and Evelyn Fernandes, Post 2 and Unit 2 Auxiliary, Micallef, Post 51, and Manuel Carvalho, Post 54.
- Dennis Fujimoto, photographer and staff writer, 245-3681 (ext. 253) and dfujimoto@pulitzer.net.