• State of the County State of the County The State year 2005 is proving to be an interesing one for county government. Following President Bush’s State of the Union message it is time for a look at the of
• State of the County
State of the County
The State year 2005 is proving to be an interesing one for county government. Following President Bush’s State of the Union message it is time for a look at the of the County.
Point one: The economy is booming. Investment in developments large and small are flourishing, albeit mostly with money from off island that aims at taking money off island while providing service industry jobs for local residents. The economic boom means unemployement is at a record low, with more than enough work to go around. The problem here is there’s not enough affordable housing for the workers, especially those with a dream of buying their own home.
Point two: Homeowners are reacting to the increasing cost of property taxes, especially those who voted for property tax relief when they approved the Ohana Kauai amendment to the County Charter. The amendent is in the courts, with its implementation perhaps hinghing on the decision of a state judge. A loss for the County of Kaua‘i on the decision, or a win for the County of Kaua‘i – in a lawsuit that pits the County of Kaua‘i a gainst the County of Kaua‘i – means either the Ohana Kauai group, or the County of Kaua‘i, will likely appeal the decision. Mean-while a long-worked-on county property tax relief plan is apparently in limbo till the voters’ will is decided outside of the polling booth.
Point Three: There’s more action in political positioning in the County Council then movement ahead for their constituents. Action includes sidesteping the Police Commission, giving the Council subpeona powers, extra-long meetings for extra-long public showings on Ho‘ike, laying the groundwork for a future run at the mayor’s seat, buffing out the county civic area.
Point Four: While the county basks in the glow of high revenue, there is a pressing need for planning for the future and action on concrete programs that improve the lives of the people of Kaua‘i. Movement ahead is underway in the police department and in drug abuse enforcement and in other areas, while our traffic problems continue unabated, our schools need physical and organizational help and drug treatment facility action lingers.