• Circuit Breaker credit • Christmas tradition • Bush mandate • Error photo Circuit Breaker credit Thank you very much for your headline article on December thirteenth alerting us to the end-of-year deadline for filing for home-owner exemptions and the
• Circuit Breaker credit
• Christmas tradition
• Bush mandate
• Error photo
Circuit Breaker credit
Thank you very much for your headline article on December thirteenth alerting us to the end-of-year deadline for filing for home-owner exemptions and the Circuit Breaker Tax Credit.
No doubt the county government officials are much too busy suing themselves to have the time to provide timely notice of such things. Or perhaps they were just hoping that the deadlines would pass unnoticed.
Stan Godes
Christmas tradition
Merry Christmas, Kaua‘i! If this paper will allow it, I’ll say it again, Merry Christmas, one and all! Where do liberal judges get the notion they can eliminate Christmas from public places? Yes, the 1st Amendment says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,” but it continues, “or prohibit the free exercise thereof, or abridge the freedom of speech.” Saying Merry Christmas, singing traditional Christmas carols, or having a school Christmas play does not establish a religion, but banning those acts certainly violates the free exercise thereof, while abridging the freedom of speech. The lengths to which the secular left is going to squash Christmas and Christianity are dangerous to the health of this nation.
In the midst of a war against Islamofascists, who want to annihilate Christianity and all other religions, the atheist left wants to help them out by attackin