• Pan of ‘Hawai‘i’ TV show Pan of ‘Hawai‘i’ TV show I saw NBC’s new series, “Hawaii,” last Friday. What a stinker! In scenes reminiscent of the Islamic terrorists, a native Hawaiian decapitates innocent people with a shark tooth studded
• Pan of ‘Hawai‘i’ TV show
Pan of ‘Hawai‘i’ TV show
I saw NBC’s new series, “Hawaii,” last Friday. What a stinker! In scenes reminiscent of the Islamic terrorists, a native Hawaiian decapitates innocent people with a shark tooth studded traditional Hawaiian weapon. We see the bloody heads and staring eyes ‘upclose and personal’ like we don’t see, thanks to the sensitivity of news programs, with the real thing in Iraq. We get the now mandatory gratuitous scene of two of the “stars?” getting to know each other in a hot-tub. The script is horrible, the acting and dialogue the same. The State of Hawai‘i ought to sue the network for defamation.
Biff Whiting