• Ohana Kauai • BOE meeting • Lingle and Bush • Kerry and Vietnam • More on ‘haole’ Ohana Kauai A member of the Ohana tax group wrote the August 24 viewpoint which in part demanded data from the County.
• Ohana Kauai
• BOE meeting
• Lingle and Bush
• Kerry and Vietnam
• More on ‘haole’
Ohana Kauai
A member of the Ohana tax group wrote the August 24 viewpoint which in part demanded data from the County. We have something in common because I too would like some data. I would like to see some data provided by the the Ohana tax group.
One of the main criticisms of their initiative is that it benefits most, those who are wealthy, retired, and have been on Kaua‘i five years or more. Two of Ohana’s founders are a retired corporate lawyer from Princeville and a retired physician from Po‘ipu who have been on Kaua‘i more than five years. How much will these two individuals benefit from their own initiative in just the first year? I think that number is available right now. The Ohana members have chosen, for their goals, the realm of politics and elections which is also the realm of disclosure.
The next number I would like is how much some of Kaua‘i’s wealthiest benefit from this initiative. For example, access blocking Peter Guber’s property has reportedly increased in value by tens of millions of dollars in the past five years. What sort of gift will he be receiving from Kaua‘i’s voters?
According to Nobel laureate economist George Akerlof, Prop 13 style initiatives do not limit the growth or spending of government. What they do is cause tax shifts as well as remove local autonomy for local governments. A cap of $500k or less could have made this initiative more noble. People with assets worth over a half million dollars have the means to help themselves. They don’t need local business to risk higher costs. They don’t need those who are living check to check, in the land of high rent, to risk paying a greater share of taxes.
Pete Antonson
BOE meeting
The Board of Education is meeting here next on Thursday, September 2, at the Lihue Library. The “business” portion of the meeting will begin at 3:30 p.m. The “business” agenda will be available at all public schools and the Kaua‘i District Office of the DOE (State building in Lihue) by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, August 27.
At 7:00 p.m., a public forum will be held in which any person may address the board on any public education issue. Speakers are normally limited to three minutes, but if you need more time, you should request it n because you only have two opportunities a year to address the board. (The board is scheduled to meet here again in December.)
I encourage public school parents, teachers, administrators, and students to attend the meeting to see how the board operates.
If you can’t think of an issue to raise with the board during the public forum, and if you agree with my position, you might ask the board to change the current situation with our public libraries. The Princeville library is the only library on the island open on Saturday. It doesn’t have to be this way. We can change this if we make our voices heard.
Tracy Murakami
Lingle and Bush
In an apparent effort to demonstrate her complete loyalty to George Bush, Gov. Lingle has been quoted in the Aug 25 Garden Island as follows: “Senator Kerry made some comment about conducting the war on terror with more sensitivity, which is an indication he just doesn’t get it.”
If Ms. Lingle believes the effort to combat terrorism does not require greater sensitivity than we have seen thus far, then it is she who really, really does not get it.
Linda Lingle should pay more attention to the many Republican leaders who see George Bush’s war as a disaster which has greatly increased hostility toward the United States throughout the world. Ms Lingle needs to sharpen her critical thinking skills. Or was she simply willing to say anything in order to be an invited “player” in the GOP convention?
David Roach
Kerry and Vietnam
I have been amused and troubled by the intense debate about John Kerry’s service in Vietnam.
The democrats want all the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth ads pulled, it is unfair they say.
It has been reported that Kerry’s campaign officials called the publisher of “Unfit for Command” and asked they cease publication. It has also been reported that they called the major book store officials and asked that they stop offering the book for sale.
The Democrats were remarkably quiet when $65 Million dollars was spent calling Bush a liar, a betrayer, Hitler like and other such cute terms the Democrats came up with.
Now that the shoe is on the other foot they scream foul.
The truth may never be known about John Kerry’s Vietnam service. The liberal newspaper, the New York Times printed a organizational chart showing the purported connection between the Bush campaign and the Swift Boat ads.
They of course do not show the Kerry campaign and Clinton administration officials working for the 5/27 groups. That might show the real truth.
When one of the daily logs personally prepared by John Kerry showed he had not been fired on some 7-8 days after he was awarded his first Purple Heart naturally the liberal media chose to ignore this.
I find it also noteworthy that all of the Swift Boat Veterans are all liars and only those who were on John Kerry’s boat tell the truth.
It is understandable why John Kerry would rather talk about Vietnam rather than his undistinguished Senate career.
It is unfair for the Republicans to point this out. Hopefully both sides will return to talking about the issues, George Bush’s past four years, his future plans and John Kerry’s record in the Senate and his plans for the future.
Robert Yount
More on ‘haole’
I would like to commend Mr. Rosa for his letter responding to the use of “haole”. Well put Mr. Rosa! As a “haole,” when I read Mr. Derby’s letter I wanted to respond, but I have only been a visitor to Kaua‘i over the last five years and never lived there. I love Kaua‘i and her people and do all that I can to learn and understand the history and culture. In spite of what has happened over the years to the Hawaiian people by some “haoles,” I have never been treated adversely. I’ve never felt offended by the word or seen it as racist.
Could it be if you treat people honorably, with respect and consideration you’ll receive the same?
If you are “haole” by the definition of the word, that’s what you are. Get over yourselves Mr. Derby and Mr. Pedoty. Self-importance is a character flaw, not a virtue.
Liz Tash
McCall, Idaho