• Response to Gallagher • Woodward book Response to Gallagher If you are going to allow personal attacks on Pastor Metcalf and go against your own policy it is only fair that you print this reply to Geri Gallagher of
• Response to Gallagher
• Woodward book
Response to Gallagher
If you are going to allow personal attacks on Pastor Metcalf and go against your own policy it is only fair that you print this reply to Geri Gallagher of Kapa‘a in response to her attack.
For your information, Pastor Metcalf has already more than met your challenge Geri! He supports the only crisis pregnancy CARE Center on the island providing free services to girls experiencing unplanned pregnancies and considering abortion! Over 60 girls were helped because of his compassion for their needs last year alone!
In addition, he also provides abstinence education in our island high schools. Get the facts, Geri, before you launch a personal attack!
Some people truly care enough to help! And some people, like Pastor Metcalf, are more aware of the teen pregnancy statistics and how to help, than you may ever know!
Michelle Anderson
Director of The CARE Center
Woodward book
Is it true that Bob Woodward has raised a number of disturbing questions about the President’s relationship with the Saudi royal family?
Can we the people now surmise that Bush has a secret deal with the Saudis to influence the November elections by manipulating gas prices?!!!!!!!! — a deal that is costing Americans at the pump.
If President Bush can make deals with OPEC nations to lower gas prices, why isn’t he doing it now, while Americans face record prices at the pump, instead of using that influence to manipulate the election?
I think President Bush needs to answer other questions about his relationship with Saudi Arabia too, including why he revealed secret war plans to Saudi Prince Bandar before he showed Colin Powell.
It’s time for President Bush to stop the stonewall and come clean about his relationship with the Saudi royal family and their plan to manipulate the elections of our country. We must demand the truth from our leadership or the future of this great nation will be in deep trouble with the other nations of the world and the freedoms we so cherish will not be available for the generations to who follow us.
Let us act now!
Chad Deal