About 200 residents played ancient Hawaiian games and picked up tips on how to achieve good health during a makahiki at the Lydgate Park Pavilion Saturday. The Makahiki was part of the Kauai Great Weigh Out project sponsored by Kaua‘i
About 200 residents played ancient Hawaiian games and picked up tips on how to achieve good health during a makahiki at the Lydgate Park Pavilion Saturday.
The Makahiki was part of the Kauai Great Weigh Out project sponsored by Kaua‘i County and funded by the state.
Makahiki was a festival celebrated by ancient Hawaiians after the harvesting season from the middle of October and January. It featured sports and religious festivals and frowned on the act of war or the preparation for it.
During the Saturday event people participated in three games – ulu maika, which involved rolling a small cement wheel through two sticks; moa pahe‘e, which involved rowing a bowling pin, and ‘o ‘o ihe, which involved throwing a wooden pole that served as a spear.
The Makahiki was coordinated by Val Medina.
Yesterday, residents also snacked on fresh coconut strips, bananas and taro, low-fat food that made up parts of the ancient Hawaiian diet.
“It (the event) increases physical activity while adding a cultural component,” said Bev Brody, the coordinator of the Kauai Great Weigh out, an eight-week fitness program to encourage people to make healthy lifestyle choices.
One goal of the program is to encourage people to lose weight by eating better and exercising.
Yesterday’s event was attended by Kaua‘i Council Councilman Mel Rapozo and county official Bernard Carvalho.
Funding for the event was provided by the state-sponsored Healthy Hawaii Initiative (Start Living Healthy).
Staff writer Lester Chang can be reached at 245-3681 (ext. 225) and mailto:lchang@pulitzer.net