• Faith in fellow humans reinforced • Backs Brady bill Faith in fellow humans reinforced Iv’e always had faith in human nature—but—yesterday it was reenforced by an experience I had at Home Depot. In the surge of purchasing items there
• Faith in fellow humans reinforced
• Backs Brady bill
Faith in fellow humans reinforced
Iv’e always had faith in human nature—but—yesterday it was reenforced by an experience I had at Home Depot. In the surge of purchasing items there yesterday, I left my pocketbook in the carriage. We contacted Home Depot – but no luck – no pocketbook. Retracing our footsteps we returned to Home Depot for a second check. Lo and behold! My pocketbook was in safekeeping in the manager’s office – untouched. During our trip back a wonderful trusting customer had brought it in.
My thoughts and deep appreciation are extended to this person of high integrity.
And that’s the way the world works.
Many thanks
Beverly Rosenberg
Backs Brady bill
Thank you for your editorial regarding the Brady Bill in today’s paper. I immediately e-mailed our state senators in D.C. to let them know that it is important to our state and the nation, that the Brady Bill is not weakened in any way.
I appreciate your papers’ efforts to keep the public aware of important current bills before the sentate so we can let our representatives know that we are concerned citizens who care. Keep up the good work.
Susan Scott