A belated Christmas present is being welcomed by lessees and other officials at Lihu‘e Airport, with Gov. Linda Lingle’s announcement yesterday that she has released $5.48 million for heliport improvements. Construction should begin soon on lease lots for heliport tenants.
A belated Christmas present is being welcomed by lessees and other officials at Lihu‘e Airport, with Gov. Linda Lingle’s announcement yesterday that she has released $5.48 million for heliport improvements.
Construction should begin soon on lease lots for heliport tenants. The lots will include hangars, maintenance facilities, offices and ticketing areas.
Funds will also be used for infrastructure improvements including paved parking, and installation of water, sewer and electrical lines.
The upgrades will provide convenient access to operators’ business sites off Ahukini Road, and help increase efficiencies for the businesses, according to a state Department of Transportation spokesman.
Casey Riemer, general manager for Jack Harter Helicopters, said it’s “great” news that the money has been released.
“We’ve been waiting for over 10 years for a place to build our hangars,” and once the new facilities are completed the industry will be able to “deliver a better product” to customers.
He hasn’t yet decided if he’ll stay in his office on one part of Ahukini Road nearer Lihu‘e, or move to the state facility at the airport.