• An Open Letter to the Democratic Party • Helping the homeless An Open Letter to the Democratic Party I just received your request for a contribution. Enclosed find my check for two cents. And here is my two cents’
• An Open Letter to the Democratic Party
• Helping the homeless
An Open Letter to the Democratic Party
I just received your request for a contribution. Enclosed find my check for two cents. And here is my two cents’ worth.
When we needed Democrats to stand up to George Bush against the war in Iraq, where were you? Where was Lieberman, Daschle, Biden, Hillary, Gephardt, and the other leading Democrats? You were all backing Bush!!! Now you just gave him $87,000,000,000 of our money for Iraq. That’s $300 for every man, woman and child in this country, and that’s just the first installment.
Now our economy’s in a mess, the country’s bogged down in a Middle East conflict, and you want me to give you money? Are you out of your mind? You backed Bush when we needed you, so get your contributions from him.
As for me, you can kiss my red, white and blue donkey.
John Patt
Helping the homeless
Between 200 and 300 individuals on this island have no place to go; only a few individuals are homeless by choice. The current and previous Administration in unison with the travel promoting agencies never liked homeless people, but contributed very likely to the problem by converting, or allowing to convert whole neighborhoods into Vacation Rentals. On the contrary one County Council Member stated on the record to give the homeless a one-way airplane ticket. He meant from Lihu‘e to Princeville Airport or Burns Field, I assume because 9 out of 10 homeless are local people.
The math: A fine up to $100 per day per adult. Assuming 2 adults and 1 month homeless comes up to a “Mount Rent” for two to $6,000. Control check: Incarceration (Room rate Hilton Wailua) for 1 month/person about $3,000 “Mount Rent” for two again $6,000 Homeless children are not allowed in any way. Costs too much in $ and pain.
Solution: Since we are all so great at to dump a problem on someone else let us solve it once and for all. Get the homeless out of the county properties and move them on state land. The Gateway project is ideal for that purpose. There is water for a shower/bath at the fountain and if they have to go, there are bathroom facilities at the airport. The positive side effect we the residents and visitors will get the daily reminder that there are less fortunate people out there and we should not pick an them, because there are on the bottom.
Mayor here is the challenge for you: Come up with housing for 300 persons by Nov. 16 or stop picking on those who have no lobby at all.
Richard O. Stauber