• A Thank you to America A Thank you to America from George W. Bush Dear Americans you’re so good to me, You cover my lies and failed policies. I appreciate the way you blindly follow, And any criticism you
• A Thank you to America
A Thank you to America
from George W. Bush
Dear Americans you’re so good to me,
You cover my lies and failed policies.
I appreciate the way you blindly follow,
And any criticism you have, you’re glad to swallow.
Hay, you love me, according to polls by Fox News,
I rate high with the public no matter what 16 words I choose.
My goals are clearly ambiguous as the world I rearrange,
But I have to move fast before an Administration change.
I know I have bundled here and over there,
But Congress will vote me more billions, and the bad guys I’ll snare.
I have trouble recalling who’s still in the game,
But I’ll get those guys dead, even… what’s his name?
“It’s fun being President”*, I like the clothes,
Especially flight jackets and boots with pointed toes.
Dear Americans have patience and your fears I’ll assuage,
Just give me big guns and some help with more rage.
Dear America you trust me this much I know,
And if you sponsor my mischief, I’ll keep up the bloody show.
Thank you America, it’s morning all day,
I’m off to Crawford, some golf to play.
Marilyn Pollock,
*this is an actual quote