While it is good to finally see some coverage on PMRF beach access issue in the paper all the words didn’t mount up to much. First of all this is not just a surfing at Majors Bay 7 days a
While it is good to finally see some coverage on PMRF beach access issue in the paper all the words didn’t mount up to much. First of all this is not just a surfing at Majors Bay 7 days a week issue.
It’s not just a surfing issue. It is a beach access issue. We want to fish, dive, camp, drive, surf, and walk on those public beaches. This struggle is for all of us not just surfers. It’s a no brainer and our elected officials that just see dollar signs when they look at the base better take notice. All PMRF has to do is fence in the base boundary and give the public beach access back. They are in violation of their own lease by not allowing public beach access.
Politicians take note. We are getting tired of being treated like secondhand citizens in our own back yard. If the base can’t be a good neighbor then they should not be neighbors at all. The growing resentment towards the military’s aggressive arrogance is swelling. And if we don’t get our beaches and freedom back then we will organize to move the base to O‘ahu. Anything they can do from here they can do from there. We JUST want the beach, NOT the base.
John Clayton