• More on Kealia Kai grubbings • Student fears cases threaten programs More on Kealia Kai grubbings In TGI’s report of the illegal grubbings by Kealia Kai (Aug. 24) it was stated: “The donation was accepted by the council, but
• More on Kealia Kai grubbings
• Student fears cases threaten programs
More on Kealia Kai grubbings
In TGI’s report of the illegal grubbings by Kealia Kai (Aug. 24) it was stated: “The donation was accepted by the council, but opposed by environmentalists, who held up the donation for several years.”
Although there were some environmentalists who were alarmed at Kealia Kai’s owners illegal and devastating removal of trees (to enhance views), grubbing and blocking of streams, the real issues which prolonged the process and involved the greatest scrutiny were legal issues according to the record of those meetings.
Mayor Kusaka, the County Attorney and the County Council were prepared to give Hughes and McClosky the right to discriminate who could use the property they were gifting to the County, what hours the public beach could be used, building houses directly overlooking the beach and having their own private police force patrolling a County park and a State beach.
The land they were giving to the County was useless to their development but the “gift” saved them millions in current and future taxes.
The most outlandish illegality was the requirement that the County would be required to follow the CC&R’s of Kealia Kai owners, which those owners could re-write even after the agreement was finalized.
Some developers don’t want to face the fact that all of the beaches in the State belong to ALL of the people of Hawai’i. And the County government needs to learn that it should not be a partner in violating law.
The Council passed a resolution to investigate the malfeasance of Kusaka’s administration, but they were intimidated from taking any action. Had they taken such action we might not be facing the same problems again and again.
Frederick Wells
Student fears cases threaten programs
My name is Kimo Kaona and I am a junior at Kamehameha Schools Kapalama Campus.
Recent court cases attacking Native Hawaiian programs threaten to change my way of life. I live on Hawaiian Homelands in Anahola and attend the only high school in the world dedicated to the advancement of Native Hawaiians. If the Hawaiian Homelands program is deemed illegal, then my family, along with hundreds of other Hawaiian families may find themselves homeless. Furthermore, if the two cases against Kamehameha Schools are ruled against them, then countless spots reserved for the education of Hawaiian children will be lost, and the will of Ke Ali‘i Bernice Pauahi Bishop will not be upheld.
A march in favor of Hawaiian Justice will be held in Waikiki this Sunday in an attempt to put a face on the injustices which will occur if the court cases are ruled against Hawaiians. Kulia I ka pono. Strive for righteousness.
I Mua Kamehameha,
Kimo Kaona
Kamehameha Schools
Anahola resident