Lt. Tyler “Tattoo” Nekomoto of Lawai, a combat jet pilot aboard the Navy’s USS Constellation, was a special guest at a special patriotic tribute performed by members of the Wilcox School third grade during their May Day celebration held Friday
Lt. Tyler “Tattoo” Nekomoto of Lawai, a combat jet pilot aboard the Navy’s USS Constellation, was a special guest at a special patriotic tribute performed by members of the Wilcox School third grade during their May Day celebration held Friday morning.
The pilot is the son of Mr. and Mrs. David Nekomoto.
Nekomoto flew bombing missions during the Iraq War and was shot at over Baghdad.
He also made moonlit night time landings of his F/A-18 Hornet jet on the aircraft carrier. The object of his bombing runs was to pave the way for ground forces to move toward the capital city of Iraq.
“A lot goes through your head when you’re being shot at,” Nekomoto told The Garden Island in an e-mail sent when he was stationed in waters off Iraq.
“I also try to think about my family and friends, and how hard it must be on them for me to be out here. They sit and watch, hoping for nothing but good news,” wrote Nekomoto.