Bruce Willis stars in “Tears of the Sun” as Lt. A.K. Waters, the loyal veteran officer of a Navy S.E.A.L unit in his new film from Columbia Pictures. The film takes place in Africa, but was filmed mostly on O’ahu,
Bruce Willis stars in “Tears of the Sun” as Lt. A.K. Waters, the loyal veteran officer of a Navy S.E.A.L unit in his new film from Columbia Pictures.
The film takes place in Africa, but was filmed mostly on O’ahu, with some second unit scenes filmed on Kaua’i.
Willis’ character is sent into the heart of Africa and finds himself deeply conflicted at having to choose between following orders and the dictates of his own conscience.
Production notes on the movie’s Web site shows that locations used for filming on O’ahu include Waikane Valley, Manoa Falls, the Dole Plantation in Central O’ahu, Maunawili Valley and Kualoa Ranch.
Second unit filming on Kaua’i took place over a two day period and locations that appear in the film include moutainscapes in mauka Kilauea. Scenes were also filmed at Kilauea Falls and elements of scenes from Kaua’i are likely part of the composite illustrations being used to promote the film.
Kaua’i may have been the source for the signature sunset shot being used to promote the film in posters and on its Web site at .