The Garden Island and the Zonta Club of Kaua’i are again teaming up with the community to try and make the holidays a little happier for those in need. Every year, the community is asked to make donations to the
The Garden Island and the Zonta Club of Kaua’i are again teaming up with the community to try and make the holidays a little happier for those in need.
Every year, the community is asked to make donations to the Zonta/Garden Island Christmas Fund.
With the help of community agencies, Zonta Club members identify families who will not have a merry Christmas without our help. Every day from now until Christmas, The Garden Island will publish stories about people who could use some assistance. The names have been changed to protect their privacy but the stories are all actual case histories of people living on Kaua’i.
Monies collected are used to fulfill their wishes whenever possible. Checks and money orders may be sent to Zonta/Garden Island Christmas Fund, c/o The Garden Island, P.O. Box 231, Lihue HI 96766. Donations may also be dropped off at The Garden Island office at 3137 Kuhio Highway in Lihu’e during office hours from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Because of an accounting change, contributions this year will not be tax-deductible, according to a Zonta representative. For more information, call 822-9882).
For more information, call Rita at 245-3681, ext. 241.
Kupuna couple need food and other basics
77 year old Linda is the primary caregiver for her husband, Charles, who is 83. Charles suffered a stroke years ago and is unable to do most of his daily living activities. He has been in and out of the hospital several times over the past few years, and Linda tries to care for her husband and maintain their household. With their limited income, they have medical and household expenses which make things challenging for both of them. Help for basics such as food and needed household items would make their holidays a lot brighter.
Clothes and toys top wishlist for young family
Roberta 37, has severe health problems and is on permanent disability. William 38, cannot work because he has to care for her and the children, which is a full time job. They struggle all the time with bills. Because of needs of the children, especially Kevin, who needs baby items such as diapers and food, they fell behind on their bills. They have a loan that they cannot pay and have had to turn their cable off. The only income they receive is from Roberta’s disability. They could really use a happy holiday. Roberta and her children, Angela, 9, Thomas, 3, and Kevin, 1, need clothing, especially the younger ones who grow out of clothing so quickly. But besides that some toys would really brighten up the holidays for these youngsters.
Family needs help getting through the holidays
Cherie, 28, and Joseph, 29, are hard working parents trying hard to make ends meet and keep their family going. Recently Cherie injured her back on her job and had to leave. She was doing strenuous work that was too much for her. Joseph was just laid off of his job and is looking for another one. Cherie also has a good lead on a job that starts next month. They have always struggled to make ends meet. It has been very hard for them because of back bills and an automobile loan. Cherie could use clothing and shoes for school and the younger children Jessica, 10, Tony 3, and Robert 2, would love some toys to make this Christmas season merry.