Take a look at your hand. Would you say it was small, regular, chubby, huge, long fingers ? Guess what – It makes a big difference in the size of grip that goes onto your favorite set of golf clubs.
Take a look at your hand.
Would you say it was small, regular, chubby, huge, long fingers ?
Guess what – It makes a big difference in the size of grip that goes onto your favorite set of golf clubs.
One basic requirement of golf mechanics is a tension free swing. A part of this parameter includes gripping the club correctly.
A tight grip is in effect counter productive. Gripping tight creates tension up your arms and this will effect the release of the clubhead during the downswing.
You may have heard or read somewhere that the grip pressure is like holding a dove in your hands, gently, so as not to let it fly away or to squeeze the breath out of it?
Start there to check yourself.
Back to the hands. When you position your hands with the method you find most comfortable, the fingers of the left hand (or top hand) should just wrap around the grip so that the finger tips are just touching the palm or pad if that hand.
If there is a gap there the grip size on the golf club is too big. If your finger tips dig into the palm or disappear … then you’ve got a grip size which is too small.
Either of these will cause problems in the efficiency of the swing, and your natural power.
Changing the grip on your golf clubs is a very important alteration which requires some discernment.
When your clubs were made they were made with a grip that had a certain gram weight in order to balance out the club correctly.
If you change to a jumbo size, for example, you are adding at least 25 more grams to the butt end of the club. This will counter- balance the head causing it to become lighter (a loss of swing-weight) and you’ll find the club feels and plays quite differently.
It may not be your swing, you now have a different club than the one your muscles remember.
Golf grip manufacturers and component suppliers are not in the business of building golf clubs, but selling golf grips. They may be selling you feel or weathering grips, but they may also be promoting a change in the playability of your favorite set of Stix.
See an expert before you tackle this task yourself. You’ll probably save a lot of time, money & frustration.
If you need my help you can find me at Codde Golf in the Lihue Town Plaza. 9-4 daily. 245 7849
The Codde Golf Co.
4180 Rice Street #108
Lihue Town Plaza
Lihue-Kauai HI 96766
Ph (808) 245 7849
Fx (808) 245 7851
USA 1 866 522 6333
Em: jbCodde@hotmail.com
Em: tallStix@aloha.net
…jbcodde is the founder of Codde Golf and a club designer of International recognition. His studio is in the Lihue Town Plaza on Rice Street here in Lihue. Jb’s famous for his “Tall Stix” and the creation of low profile metal woods.