An estimated 5,000 gallons of raw sewage from a cracked line spilled out of manhole and onto Kaumuali’i Highway in Ele’ele Thursday morning. The spill posed no serious health problems because the discharge area was cleaned up and disinfected, officials
An estimated 5,000 gallons of raw sewage from a cracked line spilled out of manhole and onto Kaumuali’i Highway in Ele’ele Thursday morning.
The spill posed no serious health problems because the discharge area was cleaned up and disinfected, officials with the county wastewater division said. The repair of the pipe is scheduled at a late date.
Officials said the 6:30 a.m. spill at the intersection of Waialo Road and the highway flowed along a concrete swale, entered into a state highway drainage system and emptied into a vacant state lot near the spill.
The highway area where the spill occurred was washed down and the storm drain discharged area was disinfected with powdered calcium hypochlorite, according to wastewater division engineer Tom Ibara.
To prevent further spills, county wastewater division employees vacuumed up raw sewage from the manhole.
The county said the spill was caused by discarded roots that blocked a main sewer line, which was not cleared until 8 a.m.