Arnold Nurock, in his Dec. 15 letter to The Garden Island (“Sermons” belong in church, not newspaper), took the newspaper to task for printing on its Forum page what he termed “a religious tract” and “sermon.” He also stated that
Arnold Nurock, in his Dec. 15 letter to The Garden Island (“Sermons” belong in
church, not newspaper), took the newspaper to task for printing on its Forum
page what he termed “a religious tract” and “sermon.” He also stated that such
topics were not news and thus inappropriate for the pages of a
Obviously, Mr. Nurock is unaware that the Forum is reserved for
public opinion and editorial comment, not news, and that it is a place where
anyone, including Nurock himself, can freely voice his or her own view, no
matter how bizarre it might seem to someone else.
I thank God I live in
America, where newspapers like The Garden Island fearlessly print widely
divergent viewpoints, despite the flack they sometimes get for doing so, and
where we citizens can exercise our constitutionally protected right of free
speech without threat of censorship or fear of reprisal from those who
Nurock stated Christ’s message is love, and that love means
accepting people as they are without expecting them to change.
It’s true
that Jesus spoke a great deal about love, but he spoke just as much about
righteousness. If all of us were okay the way we were and didn’t need changing,
Jesus would never have had to go to the cross. He died for the sins of all of
us, to empower us to change and be better people.