Kauai’s toll of dead and missing in last Monday’s disaster reached a total of seventeen, with the addition of Kalei Kelau, age 62, of Haena, to the list Of missing, and James Kalani, 15 months to the dead. DEAD Leong
Kauai’s toll of dead and missing in last Monday’s disaster reached a total of seventeen, with the addition of Kalei Kelau, age 62, of Haena, to the list Of missing, and James Kalani, 15 months to the dead.
Leong Young Chew, age 70, of Haena
Charles Hada, age 32, of Nawiliwili
James Kalani, age 15 months, of Haena
Akau Keawe, age 70, of Kalihiwai
Peaalana Laamea, age 6, of Haena
Puunani Laamea, six weeks, of Haena
Silas Laamea, age 4, of Haena
Tina Lindsay, age 4, of Haena
Harry Young Hoy Lung, age 25, of Kalihiwai
Robert Puulei, age 3, of Haena
Mrs. Chang Lung, age 60, of Kalihiwai
Mrs. Ewa Mitsui, age 57, of Kalihiwai
Ruth Ninomoto, age 10, of Kalihiwai
Keoa Puulei, 3 months, of Wainiha
Kalei Kelau, age 62, of Haena
Chang Lung, age 70, of Kalihiwai
Sarah Puulei, age 2, of Wainiha
Three bodies from last Monday’s report of missing have been recovered during the past week: Ruth Ninomoto, Peaalana Laamea, and Tina Lindsay, all children ten years of age or younger.
Doctors found it necessary to amputate the leg from below the knee, of Mrs. Maria Y. Laamea of Haena last Thursday evening after a desperate effort to save the injured limb
Mrs. Laamea is one of the seven persons hospitalized for injuries.