Council, in 5-2 vote, elects Kaneshiro chair

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Kauai Council Chair Arryl Kaneshiro gets a selfie with his wife Gwynth, and Kauai Chamber of Commerce leaders Carol Manera Texeira and Anna Baudouin, Monday following the ceremonies at the Kauai Inauguration of the Mayor and County Council at the Kauai War Memorial Convention Hall.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Kauai County Council members, including Kipukai Kualii, Luke Evslin, Felicia Cowden, Mason Chock, Arthur Brun, Council Vice Chair Ross Kagawa, Council Chair Arryl Kaneshiro, and Mayor Derek Kawakami applaud the presentation of Election Certificates, Monday during the Inauguration of the Mayor and County Council at the Kauai War Memorial Convention Hall.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Kauai County Council members, including Arthur Brun, Mason Chock, Felicia Cowden, Luke Evslin, Ross Kagawa, Arryl Kaneshiro, and Kipukai Kualii, are sworn in by Chief Judge Randal Valenciano during the first council meeting, Monday during the Inauguration of the Mayor and County Council at the Kauai War Memorial Convention Hall.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Kauai Vice Council Chair Ross Kagawa and Council Chair Arryl Kaneshiro listen to Mayor Derek Kawakami’s inaugural remarks, Monday during the Inauguration of the Mayor and County Council at the Kauai War Memorial Convention Hall.

LIHUE — Arryl Kaneshiro was appointed Kauai County Council Chair, with Ross Kagawa as vice chair at the newly-elected council’s inaugural meeting Monday, despite pleas from some residents in attendance that Councilman Mason Chock be selected for one of those positions.

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