‘Bikes on Rice’ 2018 finale

LIHUE — About 15 cyclists showed up at the Lihue Civic Center Tuesday afternoon for the final Bikes on Rice ride of the year.
The loose formation of bike riders left the Civic Center parking lot a few minutes before 5 p.m. and followed a six-mile path through neighborhoods between Rice Street and Ahukini Road.
Chris Benzel, a regular participant, stayed behind to watch the food.
“Somebody had to stay back,” he said, waving a hand toward a chocolate cake on a folding table next to a grill and a pack of hot dogs.
For Benzel, the monthly event is about creating a sense of community. He believes that it’s good for commuters to see the group out on the road.
“It makes people aware that there are other things going on on their drive home,” he said.
The first to make it back to the parking lot was Briggs Knott, owner of Briggs Bicycles on Aukele Street.
Knott ran alongside the cyclists for about half the route before he tired out. After spending all day working on and around bicycles, Knott said he needed a break and decided to participate on foot.
Bikes on Rice organizer Jim Benkert said the main point of the monthly meeting is just to have fun, but he also talked about the importance of raising awareness about bicycle safety on the road and letting people know that there is an alternative to driving that has health and environmental benefits.
Knott and Benkert said they are working together to refurbish and donate several bicycles to the YWCA of Kauai.
The rides took place the second Tuesday of each month starting in February.
They will return next year, Benkert said.
“This town is ideally suited for bike riding, especially the Rice Street corridor,” he said.
Caleb Loehrer, staff writer, can be reached at 245-0441 or cloehrer@thegardenisland.com.