Planning to no longer accept paper plans requiring building permits
Planning to no longer accept paper plans requiring building permits
LIHUE — The county Planning Department will no longer be accepting paper plans for any project requiring a building permit, effective Feb. 1, due to the county’s transition to 100 percent Electronic Plan Review services.
Projects requiring building permits must first be approved by the county Department of Public Works Building Division before further processing. Additionally, DPW will require electronic copies of construction documents requiring building permits.
A zoning application and commensurate fee must still be submitted in person to the Planning Department to initiate the office’s EPR.
In this instance, the applicant is required to complete a zoning permit application and must pay the applicable fees. The department may require additional information to supplement the submittal.
Further, for zoning permit applications requiring Planning Commission approval prior to plan submittal, those projects shall maintain present requirements.
However, any construction plan review related to these Planning Commission zoning permits and requiring building permits from DPW must be submitted through the EPR process to receive Planning Department review and approval.
The Garden Island
Good job county….do what you do best. Add lots of government red tape to the process, as if we don’t wait long enough as it is trying to get a building permit for anything!