HANAPEPE — Department of Parks and Recreation officials announced that improvements to the Kauai Veterans Cemetery Communal Hall will begin on Monday.
HANAPEPE — Department of Parks and Recreation officials announced that improvements to the Kauai Veterans Cemetery Communal Hall will begin on Monday.
During construction, the hall will be closed and access to the columbarium on site may be limited. However, the cemetery will remain accessible.
The public may continue to arrange for services on site, in the maintenance building, through the State Office of Veterans’ Services.
The project’s scope of work includes: replacing all doors and windows, repairing tiles and the entire roof, replacing the entire electrical system, and concrete repairs to existing slabs-on-grade, benches and pedestals, and steel post base collars.
Work is expected to be completed by April 2018.
The Legislature appropriated $1.1 million for this project. Pacific Blue Construction LLC was awarded the contract.
“We know that many people have been waiting for this project to become a reality,” stated Director of Parks and Recreation Lenny Rapozo. “With these improvements we honor our veterans and their families, and we look forward to seeing the facility become a better place for people to reflect, heal and find peace with loved ones.”